Anger Management

Anger Management
This course really doesn’t teach anger management, rather anger avoidance. Anger is a secondary emotion that is fueled by primary emotions. Truly you cannot manage anger because once you let it in you either have to squelch it or express it, both are damaging. This course will help you by teaching “self-awareness” thinking skills that can help you avoid anger as much as possible.
Cognitive Awareness

Cognitive Awareness
This is a unique course that can be used for all aspects of society, including counselors and therapists. This is a fun interactive course on self-discovery that takes the student through the lives of people who have had difficulty overcoming negative, self-destructive thinking errors. It covers topics such as self-deception, anger avoidance, emotional needs, relationships, and avoiding decay.
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is a serious crime against humanity because of its far-reaching tentacles and its effect on future generations. This course was designed for both the abuser and the victim. For victims, because of their lack of cognition and empathy as well as their propensity for re-victimization. For abusers, because of their self-defeating behaviors.
Driver Responsibility

Driver Responsibility
The driver responsibility course focuses on the “x-factor” of driving; which is the values and attitudes of drivers. If we never change driver-thinking errors, we can never change driver behavior. It all starts with our personal way of being; who we are without thinking who we are. Research shows that most all drivers have the basic skills to drive correctly, but many lack the cognitive skills of patience and empathy.

This course demonstrates that the major reason for under employment and non employment are self-inflicted thinking errors that hold people captive in poverty and low paying jobs. The main objective is to help people overcome the self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that may be blocking their ability for better employment and income. If we never change our thinking, we can never change our behavior.
Lifeskills Coach Course

Lifeskills Coach Course
Minor In Possession

Minor In Possession
The New Directions Minor in Possession Life Skills Course was designed to help youth and young adults consider the possible long-term, life-threatening consequences of using alcohol and drugs. It is a self-awareness course that focuses on captivity versus freedom. This course is written as historical fiction that follows the lives of real people with real consequences. Life is too important to waste it becoming tangled in the web of substance abuse.
Offender Corrections

Offender Corrections
This course was designed to help you see the big picture of your life. That you are most likely many times more capable and talented than you “think” you are. If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we will keep on getting what we have been getting. The only way to stop what we have been getting, is to stop what we have been doing.
Offender Responsibility

Offender Responsibility
This course demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,” “thoughts = consequences,” and many others. It is a course on how to be successful by controlling self-defeating, negative thoughts.
Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse
This is not an ordinary substance abuse course. It is based on historical fiction of two families, the Millers and the Johnsons. The course follows their lives through their victories and defeats as they fight the drug monster. It provides timely cognitive thinking and practical skills that have proven to help users recover from their addiction. It is a story about freedom versus captivity.
Theft / Shoplifting

Theft / Shoplifting
This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that are easy to fall into.
Self-Direct Adult
Driver Responsibility

Driver Responsibility
The Driver Responsibility course focuses on the “x-factor” of driving; which is the values and attitudes of drivers. If we never change driver-thinking errors, we can never change driver behavior. It all starts with our personal way of being; who we are without thinking who we are. Research shows that most all drivers have the basic skills to drive correctly, but many lack the cognitive skills of patience and empathy.
Marijuana Awareness

Marijuana Awareness
This is a unique course that is addressing a hot topic in our world today. This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions and increased awareness can help participants avoid the negative consequences that are connected to marijuana abuse. This course is suitable for both juveniles and adults.
Anger Management

Anger Management
This course really doesn’t teach anger management, rather anger avoidance. Anger is a secondary emotion that is fueled by primary emotions. Truly you cannot manage anger because once you let it in you either have to squelch it or express it, both are damaging. This course will help you by teaching “self-awareness” thinking skills that can help you avoid anger as much as possible.
Bad Check

Bad Check
This is a self-awareness course that helps people understand the impact bed checks have on business and retail outlets. It discusses topics such as values, attitudes, and behaviors; determining right from wrong; and the consequences of bad decisions. It also gives insightful skills into debt avoidance and money management. It is a values clarification course that focuses on the benefits of thinking and behavior.
Cognitive Awareness

Cognitive Awareness
This is a unique course that can be used for all aspects of society, including counselors and therapists. This is a fun interactive course on self-discovery that takes the student through the lives of people who have had difficulty overcoming negative, self-destructive thinking errors. It covers topics such as self-deception, anger avoidance, emotional needs, relationships, and avoiding decay.
Contentious Relationships

Contentious Relationships
The main purpose of this course is to help divorced or separating couples understand the impact that a contentious divorce will have on their children. It focuses on helping contentious parents reduce their anger by seeing others as people and not objects. It demonstrates the futility of grudges and anger, and how to minimize the negative effects of divorce on their children.
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is a serious crime against humanity because of its far-reaching tentacles and its effect on future generations. This course was designed for both the abuser and the victim. For victims, because of their lack of cognition and empathy as well as their propensity for re-victimization. For abusers, because of their self-defeating behaviors.
Driving Under The Influence

Driving Under The Influence
ACCI’s experience with people who drive under the influence is that they are focused on self and have little regard for others. This group makes little effort to overcome their addictions and considers it their right to drive. ACCI offers a strong cognitive restructuring course that challenges their faulty thinking.

This course demonstrates that the major reason for under employment and non employment are self-inflicted thinking errors that hold people captive in poverty and low paying jobs. The main objective is to help people overcome the self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that may be blocking their ability for better employment and income. If we never change our thinking, we can never change our behavior.
Minor In Possession

Minor In Possession
Offender Corrections

Offender Corrections
This course was designed to help you see the big picture of your life. That you are most likely many times more capable and talented than you “think” you are. If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we will keep on getting what we have been getting. The only way to stop what we have been getting, is to stop what we have been doing.
Offender Responsibility

Offender Responsibility
This course demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,” “thoughts = consequences,” and many others. It is a course on how to be successful by controlling self-defeating, negative thoughts.

Offender Responsibility
This course demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,” “thoughts = consequences,” and many others. It is a course on how to be successful by controlling self-defeating, negative thoughts.
Pornography Addiction

Pornography Addiction
This is a one-of-a-kind workbook written in a story format that follows the life of a husband and wife, showing the addiction and recovery process for the husband. It demonstrates the difficulties placed on the marriage and the emotional impact on the spouse. It is written by experts knowledgeable in the addictive effects of pornography. It is 56 pages in nine units. It can be used for groups as well as home study.
Sex Offender

Sex Offender
This course is written in a story format that follows the lives of the perpetrators and victims of sexual abuse. It is a journey of self-discovery concerning the reasons and consequences of sexual abuse. In most cases it was designed as an addition to other counseling and therapy. It describes the road of denial and self-deception that keeps so many people captive to their strong sexual cravings and repetitive behavior.
Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse
This is not an ordinary substance abuse course. It is based on historical fiction of two families, the Millers and the Johnsons. The course follows their lives through their victories and defeats as they fight the drug monster. It provides timely cognitive thinking and practical skills that have proven to help users recover from their addiction. It is a story about freedom versus captivity.
Theft / Shoplifting

Theft / Shoplifting
This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that are easy to fall into.
Self-Directed Juvenile
Coming Soon
Group Courses
Coming Soon